Buy Now, Pay Later

Are you looking for a "Buy Now, Pay Later" option? It's a great deal if you come to Jim Norton. "Buy Now, Pay Later" (BNPL) programs have become a popular trend in the automobile industry, offering consumers an alternative way to purchase vehicles. These programs provide buyers with the option to take immediate possession of a car while deferring full payment. In a BNPL program for automobiles, a customer selects a vehicle from a dealership's inventory. Instead of paying the entire purchase price upfront, the buyer pays a fraction of the total cost as an initial down payment. This down payment is often a percentage of the car's total price. BNPL programs in the automobile industry offer several advantages. They allow buyers to drive away with a new car without a substantial upfront payment, providing financial flexibility. However, potential buyers should carefully evaluate the program's terms, interest rates, fees, and overall cost to ensure it aligns with their budget and financial situation.